Thursday, November 5, 2009

Break up and get togethers

Everybody has had break-ups before, right. Everybody has also gotten together with someone. Break-ups are hard for people who have had a long relationship with someone they love. If you want to get together with somebody you need to comment them on what they are like and be a gentleman or a lady and be polite. Guys here is one thing you need to do to a lady, Help them out, be polite and don't ever seem rude. These things will help you to get the perfect boy/girl. Now I have had tons of break-ups and atone of get togethers. If there is one thing that I have learned it is that nobody is perfect and people make mistakes all the time. Break-ups are tough but there is a get together. Get togethers are amazing because they help us understand the meaning of liking or loving somebody. Break-ups are the complete opposite. THey don't help us understand anything. Well this has been swimmer_dude_1994. See ya!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Everybody either hears or tells rumors, but why do we have them? do we have them to make a person feel bad or to make fun of a person that you dislike? What do we do if we hear a rumor about our self? we try our best to find the source of the rumor and fix it. We don't just leave it be for it to get worse, we just fix it like humans not animals. In my opinion we have rumors because we like making people feel bad about themselves. This leads to suicide or murder. I think we have rumors to get a laugh about somebody you hate or dislike strongly. I have encountered rumors in my lifetime about me and my friends. I have told rumors and I regret doing it because I really hurt that persons feeling that day. I hate hurting people, all of my friends know this. there are times that I do hurt somebody by saying rumors about them. Now a rumor I have heard about myself is that I have dated more than one girl at a time. I know to some guys this is good, but not me, I would never cheat on my girlfriend. if I did she would kill me and that would be rude to do to someone you love. My friends have heard rumors about me. They have heard that I am gay. They all know good and well that I am not GAY because they have seen me with all of my relationships and not a single one has been a guy, they have all been a girl. What bothers me the most is when everybody has heard the rumor and it gets to you and you just freak out because it is not true but everybody doesn't believe you. Like I said before rumors are something that people have to entertain them. I personally think that people need to change otherwise they are going to get hurt one day because they told so many rumors. Until my next blog, break ups and get togethers, this has been swimmer_dude_1994. See ya'll later.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Relationships between people hardly ever last when your young. Trust me I know because I have been in a lot of them in my life time. If you are in a relationship and you say you love somebody and they say they love you, make sure they do other wise your heart is going to get broken because they use you or or they don't really love you. This has happened to me lots of times. If you have a reputation and everybody knows that you do, try your best to get rid of it. If you don't then nobody will want to date you, if you get dumped like I have many times before and you have a reputation of dating more than one person, GET RID OF It ASAP! or you will never have anybody to love again in your entire life. Unless you move or something then you will never have another relationship with anybody. This happened to me on Friday(October 30,2009). It happened while I was a football game and I was working in the concession stands for second half, I was all happy until my girlfriend passed to concession stand, I said "hey" and she gave me a mean look like I did something wrong. When the game ended, She came to the door and she wanted to talk. I said "i have to help clean up, I'm listening though." She told me that it was over. I asked why and she didn't answer. I asked my friend what happened and he said that she heard a rumor that I was dating a different girl. I tried to tell her, but she wouldn't talk to me. I asked my friend to call her and try to fix the relationship since she wouldn't talk to me. He called and she still said "NO!" I finally get her to pick the phone up and ask if I can have another chance because I said I have changed over the weekend. Even though I did nothing wrong. She said prove it at the next Friday game(November 6,2009). She is giving me a second chance to prove that I have changed my life. I'm happy again. Now, take my advice(only if you need it)NEVER BELIEVE RUMORS!!!! If you do then you are just messed up in the head. Well until my next blog,rumors, this has been swimmer_dude_1994.