Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Beast within myself

The beast I have put up with for 18 years now is my temper. This has hurt people I care about like family, friends, and me. My beast is something you don't want to deal with at anytime because when my beast is out it takes a lot to get it back in. People have tried to tame my beast but they aren't successful. My beast comes out if somebody forces it out by hurting my feelings, saying something to offend my family and myself, or hurting another person.
My beast has hurt many many people like my family. This has affected them because when they ask me to do something and I'm in a bad mood, my beast is out and I don't feel like doing what they ask me to do because of it. My parents are responsible because they ask me to do chores my brother never does and somehow I end up doing it for him. My siblings are constantly asking me to take them to the pool or on a walk to the creek and it gets on my nerves. If they get on my nerves then my beast is out. I hate when my beast is out at home because it gets my in SO much trouble. I don't like to be in trouble because it is never fun if it happens more than once then I'm grounded. Everybody hates to be grounded.

Another group of people that my beast has hurt is my group of friends. My friends are important to me because they help me through just about everything that is on my mind. My beast affects them because if I get in trouble at home because of my beast then I take away time to hangout with them and they don't want to hangout with my anymore because I am in trouble. My friends care so much about me that they mostly try to tame my beast because they want to hangout with me. When they don't want to hangout with me then that means I'm very sad and people don't like to see me sad. This is something I struggle with everyday in my life.

The last group of people my beast affects is myself. Yes my beast does indeed affect me in many ways. My beast affects me by affecting my views on certain people I hold dearly to my heart. I have so many problems with taming my beast. It cannot be tamed in any shape, size, or form possible. My beast affects my health, head, and other things that I can't name.

As you can see my beast is indeed my temper and it can't be tamed in any way possible. My beast affects my family, friends, and myself even and i don't like the negative impact it has on my life at all. My beast has come out a lot in the last couple of weeks because of the reasons that I explained in the previous paragraphs. I hat e my beast and I want it to go away. I regret everything that my beast has caused me to do over the years. Sometimes my beast led me to tears because of what I said to a person I cared a lot about. My beast is evil and it makes me do evil things.


  1. It seems like you do have an issue. We have all had to deal with siblings before and we all can relate to how you feel about them bugging you. You losing your temper is bad, but since you are trying to overcome it and contain it you are on the right track towards not having to deal with it anymore. Good luck overcoming your inner beast

  2. I personally know the feeling of when your beast takes control. Things are said & feelings are hurt, but not just your feeling, the feelings of those whom care about you. I have seen you trying to overcome your beast, but remember you don't have to do it alone.That's why you have friends! ;-)

  3. I do have friends that try to help but they sometimes don't get rid of it.

  4. hey its brenna waazzaapp????

  5. o my gosh waha idkk
    its bronwyn t_m_x :)

  6. b days in to days!! brenna

  7. its bronwyn and ansley... DUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. did abigail tell u -ansley

  9. waahaha there cuming to take me away!! bronwyn

  10. duck add ansley on facebook -bronwyn

  11. grr ansley goshhh that wass uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  12. rawr u know what that means in dinosaaur??

  13. hey bronwyn its ansley did u no that ur sitting next tome hahahahahaha no really u r

  14. YAYAY ansley i KNO!!!!!!!!! immm so bored this pig thing is boring

  15. so is this cow thing! its all like blaaaaaaaaaaaa!lalalalala ulysses i found a new way. ifound a new way, baby lalalalala s ansley!!!!!

  16. YAYYA I <3 that sngg LALALALALALA HIGH HIGH HIGH LTS GET HIGH!!! karrisia japenese

  17. lalalalala ulysses i found a new way,,, i found a new way BABY! .....LET'S GET HIIIIIIGH!!

  18. LEEES JAPENESSE???????????? like fer real or wantd ta b???? YES I KNO U LOVE DINOSAUR!! baha rmeber guynisur

  19. i think so but my mom asked him which was kinda oquard and then he said no but he told me yes!!!!!and then he asked me about ya no that thing...OQUARD...ya no duck can read all this thats hilarious how abigails all pissed off and doesn't believe us!!haahaaaaaaaa

  20. hahahha kkkk babahahahhaaaaaaaaaaa when was the lee thing like 4 years ago???????

  21. im sitting next to u lts get hih (christmas tree) :D
